In Conversation with Dominick Fernow, part 2

In part two of our discussion with Dominick Fernow, we get into his first months in Providence, leading up to a pilgrimage to Lowell, MA on Halloween 1999. Before leaving for Providence, Dominick tells a story of attempting to book a show for a noise legend in Madison. Grab a walkman and some noise tapes and come along for some more invaluable noise history.

In Conversation with Dominick Fernow, part 1

In the first of two episodes, Dominick Fernow joins us to discuss the very beginnings of Prurient and Hospital Productions. We begin the journey in ’90s Wisconsin as he navigates the worlds of death metal and techno, which eventually leads to the noise underground. While the three of us have all known Dominick for nearly two decades, we all learned plenty of new and incredible information about his most distant past. Join us for some highly enlightening noise history.

Noisextra is assisting Hospital Productions to compile a live Prurient box set commemorating the 25th anniversary of the project. If any listeners have a live recording, video or radio show from the years 1997-2006, please email and we will go from there.