MSBR – Destructive Locomotion

A new year should only begin with a classic and that’s what we had searing through the speakers with MSBR “Destructive Locomotion (Dedicated to Chizuo Matsumoto)” on Pure. Chizuo Matsumoto was known to the world as Shoko Asahara, the leader of Aum Shinrikyo. This is a noise/true crime episode, in the vein our Murder Series episodes, as we dig into this incredible album as a background to the story of Aum Shinrikyo and Tokyo sarin subway attacks.

In Conversation with Dominick Fernow, part 2

In part two of our discussion with Dominick Fernow, we get into his first months in Providence, leading up to a pilgrimage to Lowell, MA on Halloween 1999. Before leaving for Providence, Dominick tells a story of attempting to book a show for a noise legend in Madison. Grab a walkman and some noise tapes and come along for some more invaluable noise history.

RRR Taste Test Series

Chris Sienko wowed us with the unknown-to-us RRR Taste Test tape series. In the early 90s, RRR made sampler tapes of items in the RRR catalog. They look amazing. They sound amazing. They are amazing. The tapes send us into a discussion of our early noise explorations, including shows at the Fireside Bowl and the mystery of discovering noise in the 90s.